
A New Looking to Quarks Considering Negative and Positive Masses

A New Looking to Quarks Considering Negative

and Positive Masses

By: Dr. Rasool Javahery,

Associated Professor, University of Tehran


As it where mentioned in the first paper Ref. [1], there are symmetries in the nature, it where given some different examples of existent symmetry, and there are some similarities for these different examples of symmetry.


Considering the existence of negative mass and positive mass for quarks, which are constituent of the particles, such as baryons and mesons.

By using the symmetry for masses, which gives new character to quarks, we could explain the property of quarks, which where known up to now. This paper only considers the quarks as they are principally originate the nuclear energy and talking about interaction of positive mass of one quark to the negative mass of other quark.

We obtained strong reason for hypothesize of positive and negative masses for quarks such as an example; we are able to answer these questions:

1 -   There are three quarks in the baryon family and two quarks for meson family. Why there is not any quark in lepton family?

2 -  Why are the quarks’ in hadrons confined? (as it was said).

Full stor : http://wbabin.net/science/javahery2.pdf

Sender: Hossein Javadi